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Attractive young beautiful asian woman Entrepreneur or freelancer working at home with laptop business reports and online communications on living room sofa, working remotely access concept.

Telework Is Turning Some Heads

With COVID-19 still in play, working remotely has become how many employees have continued to fulfill their work responsibilities. Now, as we settle into this new way of doing things, the question has arisen: after all this is over, will business operations return to the way they once were? Letโ€™s discuss.

โ€œProductivity? From Home? Nahโ€ฆโ€

At least, this was largely the opinion of many business owners, especially those with smaller organizations to manage. On the surface, this presumption makes sense: there are far more distractions in the home for employees to deal with, without any supervision to keep them on task. From children, to pets, to television and video games, even to household chores, there are far too many ways for an employee to distract themselves and procrastinate.

Basically, work was the place that people worked hard, while at home theyโ€™d hardly work.

Of course, this wasnโ€™t completely based on speculation. There are always going to be certain factors that influence how effective remote work can be. The style that management takes, how well-suited the businessโ€™ operations are to remote work, and yes, how engaged employees are in what they are supposed to be doing can all make a difference in how well remote operations work for one company over another. However, many businesses and their employees have witnessed how effective remote work can be at maintaining (and in some cases, surpassing) their in-house levels of productivity.

So, as many employees and managers alike start to grow accustomed to this new kind of business-as-usual, switching back may produce as much of a culture shock.

Not All Businesses May Experience These Impacts

Of course, some businesses put telecommuting and remote work in place a long time ago, with different options available for their employees to use. While it may take a much shorter time than many experts initially expected, we may see more businesses start to follow their lead. Some might continue an exclusively remote operation from here on out, while others may simply give their employees the option to work from home as they choose.

Either way, it can lead to benefits for either party. For the employee, the opportunity to work remotely is a big perk, and may become something more sought out when looking for a job. For the business, there are some considerable cost savings that could be had.

Think of all the different things that the traditional work environment demands that you invest into:

  • Real estate, either owned, rented, or leased.
  • Electricity, HVAC, and other utilities.
  • Hosting the technology infrastructure required to support your operations.
  • Furnishings, amenities, and the equipment your employees will need.
  • Snacks, of course.

โ€ฆin addition to the countless other expenses that you may need to pay for, and youโ€™re throwing a lot of money into simple maintenance. However, by switching to a cloud-based infrastructure, switching to virtual meetings or finding a shared space to use as needed, and abandoning the physical office, you may find that the potential savings to be had are worth the change.

Whichever Route You Take, Weโ€™re Here to Help

Weโ€™ve worked with businesses who have (and who havenโ€™t) switched to remote operations long before the current health crisis forced their hand. As such, we are a great resource for the business looking to shift their processes to something more sustainable.

Whatever your choice, make sure you give COMPANYNAME a call at PHONENUMBER to review your available options.

Tyler Miller

Tyler Miller

Having a reliable and passionate partner in the realm of IT services and solutions is essential for ensuring continuous growth through effective technological strategies. Our CEO, Tyler Miller, is wholeheartedly dedicated to assisting clients in optimizing their technology to gain a competitive edge in their industries. At TechPulse, Tyler leads a team of highly dedicated professionals who are fully committed to providing exceptional IT services and solutions. With his extensive expertise and practical experience, Tyler ensures that clients receive unparalleled support and guidance for their IT projects. You can trust TechPulse to enhance your business systems and stay ahead in today's fiercely competitive business environment.